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S. Attleboro Girls Recreation Association

Find your Team's Summer 2016 Travel Softball Schedule on the website:

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Summer Softball Main Schedule Link

10UA Attleboro

10UB Attleboro

12UA Attleboro

14UB Attleboro

Click here for all FIELD DIRECTIONS

Travel Teams

Under Construction...Check back for more information coming soon!

Our competitive programs include Spring Travel, Summer Select Travel and Fall Ball. These programs were created to provide the more serious softball player the opportunity to challenge their skills. 

Spring Travel teams are 10U, 12U and 14U. These teams play double header games on Sunday mornings in April and June and participate in a weekend tournament in early June (see article below).   Games are played with other surrounding towns in competitive games.

Summer Select Travel teams play other All Star/Select teams from the surrounding area in the Hockomock Girls Summer Softball League (HGSSL) that runs weeknight evenings  from June to July. Teams are 10U, 12U, 14U and 18U with A and B teams within each age group if participation numbers allow. Some of these teams also compete in area and state weekend tournaments.  While this program has the same fundamental goal of helping each athlete to be the best they can be, travel is a considerably higher level of competition. Playing time may not necessarily be equal for all players as in the recreational program, but coaches will do their best to maximize everyone's time in the field.  There will be a continuous batting order (all girls will hit) in the HGSSL league and in most tournaments. 

Spring and Summer Travel teams have formal tryouts and a selection process. Not all girls who tryout will make a team.  To be eligible for Travel teams, a player must be able to attend a large percentage of practices, games and tournaments. Players in Summer Select Travel must participate in the Spring softball programs or play High School softball.  At the V.P. and player agent's discretion there may be additional tryouts in the spring, but our goal is to have teams picked early to give teams the best chance to be competitive.

Fall Ball begins in Mid/late September with doubleheader games on Sunday mornings in the 10U, 12U and 14U divisions.  Girls will be placed on teams according to the age group they will be eligible for in the following Spring. The level of play is still competitive but slightly more relaxed as some players will be playing on new teams as they age up.

Contact Us

S. Attleboro Girls Recreation Association

PO BOX 3696 
ATTLEBORO, Massachusetts 02703

Email Us: [email protected]
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